Termine und Veranstaltungen
Vorträge, Workshops, Lecture Series, Konferenzen am Verbundkolleg
Lunchtime Talk by Mei Li Inouye (Centre College): "May Fourth Legacies in the Cultural Revolution Model Works: Jiang Qing and 1930s Drama Reforms"
Ort: CATS R. 010.01.05 (Auditorium); Heidelberg University
Digital Workshop Series "Digital Dialogues" #20 Reimagining the More-Than-Human City from a global perspective: in dialogue with Jamie Wang, Matthew Gandy and Donna Houston
Ort: Join Zoom Meeting https://eu02web.zoom-x.de/j/68710172736?pwd=U46kWA22nErDpCpxv4QZJFs3WOQaJB.1 Meeting ID: 687 1017 2736 Passcode: 777463
Chinese-German Poetry Dialogues
This talk, based on Sara Landa's new book Chinesisch-deutsche Lyrikdialoge (De Gruyter 2023), analyzes how German-speaking poetry translators in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries entered into dialogue with Chinese poetry - and used their position of distance to explore new paths within their own poetry. It demonstrates the study of Chinese poetry has provided numerous German poets with opportunities to explore aesthetics approaches and to sound out social and political positions.
Ort: Zoom Meeting
Ausstellung: "Mächtiger als das Schwert - Freiheit schreiben" in der Veranstaltungsreihe 'Vom Willen zur Freiheit – China im globalen Kontext': Beitrag zum Wissenschaftsjahr 2024 - Freiheit.
Ausstellung der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften (Landesakademie von Baden-Württemberg) und der Universität Heidelberg (Universitätsmuseum)
Community-based art practices in China and Europe – Resilience through friendships
Antonie Angerer and Elena Meyer-Clement are organizing two events during Asia Week in Copenhagen (organized by University of Copenhagen’s Asian Dynamics Initiative). https://asiandynamics.ku.dk/english/calendar/2024/asia-week-2024/
Ort: Tofu Space, Læderstræde 15, kld, 1201 København K
Lecture/Performance: Speculative cityscapes
Antonie Angerer and Elena Meyer-Clement are organizing two events during Asia Week in Copenhagen (organized by University of Copenhagen’s Asian Dynamics Initiative). https://asiandynamics.ku.dk/english/calendar/2024/asia-week-2024/
Ort: Festsalen, building 11, room 11C-0-8A , University of Copenhagen
Internal Workshop by the Project “Social Worlds: China's Cities as Spaces of Worldmaking”
Ort: Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften, Bad Homburg
Hybrid Book Talk with Wang Yiman: To Be an Actress. Labor and Performance in Anna May Wong’s Cross-Media World
Ort: Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies (University of Heidelberg), Room 010.00.01, Voßstraße 2 | 69115 Heidelberg
Chinesische Identität(en): Gesellschaftliche Stimmen aus unterschiedlichen Lebensrealitäten
Ort: Konferenzzentrum der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Schumannstr. 8, 10117 Berlin
The Guerrilla Economic: Reforging Everyday Life in China’s Guerrilla Bases (1937-1945)
Ort: CATS R. 010.01.05
What About China? Screening and Conversation with Director Trinh T. Minh-ha
Ort: UCSC Communications Building, Studio C
Lesung und Diskussion mit Yoko Tawada: Spiel und Katastrophen
Ort: CATS Auditorium, Universität Heidelberg
Environment in Asia Series featuring Timothy Brook – "The Price of Collapse: The Little Ice Age and the Fall of Ming China"
Ort: CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02138 United States
Needham Research Institute Seminar: "Wang Tao and the Circulation of Knowledge about Western Celestial Boats in Late Nineteenth-Century China"
Ort: 8 Sylvester Road, Cambridge CB3 9AF
Vortrag "Taiwan in International Law: The Beginnings" von Dong WANG
Ort: Tübingen University, Wilhelmstraße 133, Room 30
Vortrag "Taiwan in International Law: The Beginnings" von Dong Wang, Universität Tübingen
Ort: Tübingen University, Wilhelmstraße 133, Room 30
Vortrag "Hegelian Master Narratives and Periodizing Japanese and Chinese Modernity" von Viren Murthy
Vortrag "Confucius as a Cosmopolitan: Thought and Practice" von Peng Guoxiang
Ort: Tübingen University, Wilhelmstraße 133, Room 30
Vortrag "Towards a New World Order: Reading Zhao Tingyang's Tianxia in Light of the Japanese Experience" von Viren Murthy
Ort: Koserstraße 20, 14195 Berlin, Raum A336
Vortrag "Understanding Consultative Politics in China, Ideology, Democracy and Governance" von Li Rongxin
Ort: Tübingen University, Keplerstr. 2, SR 002
Taiwan Lecture Series "Sinophone Filmmaking: Identity and Environment", April - July 2023
A Lecture Series with Winnie L. M. YEE (University of Hong Kong)
International Conference "Creating the ‘Good Life’ in the City: Urban Spaces in Times of Change, Challenge and Crisis"
International Conference, co-organized by the Thematic Research Network Umwelten–Umbrüche–Umdenken, the Heidelberg "Worldmaking" subproject "Epochal Lifeworlds", the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society and the Environmental Humanities at the Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Workshop "Nach der Krise? —(Um)welt und Umdenken"
After the Crisis?—Rethinking Processes and Potentials of Change in Environment and Society
Online Workshop "Living an Epoch with Nature: Plants and Spatial Representations in the Ming-Qing Transition" - Teil 2
An Interdisciplinary Workshop
Online Workshop "Living an Epoch with Nature: Plants and Spatial Representations in the Ming-Qing Transition" - Teil 1
An Interdisciplinary Workshop
Ending Worlds. CAPAS Lecture Series 2022
Ort: The lectures will be held at HS 14, Neue Universität, Universitätsplatz 1, 69117 Heidelberg (the respective current pandemic regulations apply). Due to the ongoing pandemic, the lectures will be streamed digitally as well.