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Worldmaking from a Global Perspective: A Dialogue with China
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Annual Conference 2025
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About the Joint Center for Advanced Studies "Worldmaking from a Global Perspective: A Dialogue with China"
A Translingual Conceptual History of Chinese Worlds (諸多“世界”的概念:跨語際概念史)
Activities of this project: Talks, Lectures, Presentations, Workshops, Interviews
CATS Kolleg Epochal Lifeworlds: Narratives of Crisis and Change
Activities of this project: Talks, Lectures, Presentations, Workshops, Interviews
Conceptions of World Order and Their Social Carrier Groups
Activities of this project: Talks, Lectures, Presentations, Workshops, Interviews
Presentation "Circulations and Convergences: Mecca in the Conceptions and Mobilities of Chinese Muslim Diasporas in Saudi Arabia" by Dr. Janice Hyeju Jeong
Research Projects
Social Worlds: China's Cities as Spaces of Worldmaking
Activities of this project: Talks, Lectures, Presentations, Workshops, Interviews
About the Fellowships
About the Fellowships
About the Fellowships
About the Fellowships
Call for Applications - Fellowship Program
Visiting Fellowship Questionnaire
Registration to the Event
"Social Relations of Amateur Practice: The Socialist Vision for Culture in Hunan’s Agricultural Production Cooperatives, 1953–1958"
"The politics of urbanizing the Chinese countryside"
The Dao of Happiness in Contemporary China: On the Encompassing Meanings and Affects of “Xingfu”
全球的全球史 (Global History, Globally). Chinese Translation by Peking University Press
“Centrisms: Questions of Privilege and Perspective in Global Historical Scholarship”,
“Navigating Central-Local Dynamics: Hong Kong's Adaptation of Public Space Governance amid China's Shifting COVID-19 Policies in 2022”
“Reasserting the Buddhist Tradition: Lü Bicheng and Chinese Vegetarianism in a Global Context”
Introduction to Special Issue: Between Religious Self-Cultivation and Environmentalism: Changing Meanings of Vegetarianism in Modern China
Special Issue: Between Religious Self-Cultivation and Environmentalism: Changing Meanings of Vegetarianism in Modern China
Reimagining the More-Than-Human City: Stories from Singapore
Performing the Right to the Modern Chinese City: Changing Patterns of Panhandling in Guangzhou
The psychological imagination of the social in contemporary China
„Coda: Narratives in an Embattled World”
Ein gescheiterter Expansionsversuch? Das Schweigen der chinesischen Mitglieder in der Korrespondenz des Internationalen Sozialistischen Kampf-Bundes (ISK), 1924–1936
Dreams in Chinese Fiction Spiritism, Aestheticism, and Nationalism
Eldercare Services in Urban China
To Be an Actress: Labor and Performance in Anna May Wong's Cross-Media World
Local state leadership: State-leading groups in governing urban China
Anatomy of the Superstitious Mind: Subjectivity and Interiority in Two Early Twentieth-Century Rebuttals to Liaozhai's Records of the Strange
Von der Überbevölkerung zur Überalterung? Chinas Demografie und Bevölkerungspolitik
People vs. ‘god of plague’: Socialist China’s anti-zoonotic campaign media as environmental media
Institutionalising global mining knowledge: the rise of engineering education in late Qing China, 1870–95
Sticking with Trans: Reconsidering Chinese American Cinema through Anna May Wong
Never forget Mao: The Monumental as Radical Universal. OR: The Making of a 'Maoist Modern'
Lives and Deaths of Werther: Interpretation, Translation, and Adaptation in Europe and East Asia
Communicating with the Gods: Spirit-Writing in Chinese History and Society
Jamais la nuit? Le soleil ne se couche pas en Chine.
Forging an Anti-Bandung: Saudi Arabia and East Asia's Cold War
After the Sun: Slow Hope? Rethinking Continuous Crisis Through China’s Revolutions
Creating the spectacular city in everyday life: A governance analysis of urban public space in China
Book Review, Brian Lander, The King’s Harvest: A Political Ecology of China from the First Farmers to the First Empire
Xi’s Third Way: Illiberal Institutionalization
On the Night the Dead Return: Five Accounts of Fatal Revenants (Sha) from ‘Nighttime Talks’ in Eighteenth-Century Beijing
Chinesisch-deutsche Lyrikdialoge - Annäherungen an die chinesische Dichtung vom Expressionismus bis zur Gegenwart
Homeland, magnet, and refuge: Mecca in the travels and imaginaries of Chinese Muslims
Doing Ethnicity: Multi-layered Ethnic Scripts in Contemporary China
Aus dem Dunkeln in das Licht: Ist die Welt (noch) zu retten? Chinesische Perspektiven auf Ende und Anfang
‘In Other News’: China’s International Media Strategy on Xinjiang—CGTN and New China TV on YouTube
Book Review: Steven B. Miles, Chinese Diasporas. A Social History of Global Migration. (New Approaches to Asian History.) Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2020
Manufacturing environmental disasters: an analysis of eco-documentaries in the age of Asia
Familie – Leben – Pandemie. Worte und Welten chinesischer Wanderarbeiterinnen
'Trainingslager für Dreistigkeit'? Sprachspiele und poetische Grenzüberschreitungen in chinesisch-deutschen Lyrikdialogen
Do you hear the people sing? Von Konfuzius, neuen Weltordnungen, und der Macht (und) der Musik
Governing Rural Poverty on Urban Streets: Guangzhou's Management of Beggars in the Reform Era
Neue (musikalische) Weltordnungen
The Making of Mao
Yam Gong: Gedichte
Der Mensch als Nutztier – eine Parabel aus dem alten China auf die Autokratie: Zur Komödie von Qin von Li Jing
Aus ‚Verzweiflung, Wut und Schrecken... entspringt … eine neue Welt‘ – Von der Macht der Musik und von Klimagerechtigkeit
Religious Othering. Global Dimensions
Election in Barbarian Lands: Representing Inner Asian and Euro-American Political Cultures in Early Modern China
The Genealogy of Literature and Theory
Reading European Environments: Historical Perspectives
‘And suddenly the memory revealed itself….’—Making Sense of the Senses in History—Epilogue
Die jüngste Kontroverse um Zustand und Zukunft der deutschen Chinaforschung – eine vorläufige Bilanz
What Role did Climate Change Play in the Decline of the Tang Dynasty
Chronologics: An Introduction
Chronotypologies: An Introduction
Introduction: Periodization in a Global Context
Periodization in a Global Context
„(Alb-)Träume von China: Transformation und Imagination des neuen China in der deutschen Lyrik des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts
Chinesische Perspektiven auf Europa. Eine historische Skizze
Beyond Party Politics? Visitors and Meaning-Making in the National Museum of Taiwan Literature
Ethics in Social Science Research on China
Exposing the Obscurity of the Chinese Literary Establishment: The Destabilizing Power of Author Museums
Little Mecca in Canton: representations and resurgences of the graveyard of Sa’d ibn Abī Waqqās
Global City Agency and Multilevel Governance in China
Global History and Religious Encounters
The Return of Chen Ching Lin: Chinese Deserters and Chinatowns in the British Raj, 1943-1946
Leaving Gaia Behind: The Ethics of Space Migration in Cixin Liu’s and Neil Stephenson’s Science Fiction
Tod der Metapher! Gedanken zum Ikonoklasmus in Chinas langem 20. Jahrhundert
Xinjiang – China und die Uiguren
‘For the Sake of Morality and Civilization’: The Buddhist Animal Protection Movement in Republican China
China’s Rural—Urban Transformation: New Forms of Inclusion and Exclusion
‘Bereaved Single-Child Families’ (Shidu Jiating): Dealing with an Unintended Consequence of China’s One-Child Policy
Doing Discourse Research in Chinese Studies: Methodological Reflections on the Basis of Studying Green Consumption and Population Policy
Global city competition and new hierarchies of urban citizenship in China’s migration regime
The Humanities and the New Silk Road
Twentieth-Century China as an Object of Thought: Global and Local Historical Reflections
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Final Annual Conference - "Scales of Worldmaking" - 12-14 June 2025, Würzburg
Annual Conference 2023 - The Making of Epochal Events— Narrating Turning Points in Chinese History
Keynote 1: Epochal Events and Historical Narration by Zoltán Boldizsár Simon (University of Bieldefeld)
Keynote 2: Imagining Social Change by Andrew B. Kipnis (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Methodology Workshop: Rethinking Religion(s) in China - Theories, Methods, Practices
Mohammed Alsudairi (Australian National University)
Tansen Sen (New York University Shanghai)
Vincent Goossaert (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris)
Panel I: Periodization and Master Narratives: Situating East Asia in Global Twentieth-Century History
Panel II: Narrating Environmental Histories: Actors, Discourses, Devices
Panel III: Urban/Rural Futures: Narrating Changing Worlds in City and Countryside
Carwyn Morris
Panel IV: Worldmaking in Motion: Encounters and Ruptures in Travel and Exile
Panel V: Between Continuity and Epistemic Rupture: Negotiating Change in the Chinese History of Science and Technology
Emily Tsui
Panel VI: Making World Health — Local Moments and Global Moments
Harald Bøckman
Report of the Joint Center's Annual Conference 2023
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Principal Investigators
Prof. Dr. Barbara Mittler
Prof. Dr. Björn Alpermann
Prof. Dr. Dominic Sachsenmaier
Prof. Dr. Elena Meyer-Clement
Prof. Dr. Hans van Ess
Team Members
Andreas Weis
Antonie Angerer
Dr. Sara Landa
Harlan David Chambers
Matthias Schumann
Michael Malzer
Ryanne Flock
Xiaojie Chang
Zhao Xiaoyang
Collaboration Partners
Dr. Nicolas Schillinger
Emily Mae Graf
Fellows 2025
Fellows 2024
Fellows 2023
Fellows 2022
Fellows 2021
Registration to the event
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