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Call for Contributions: Workshop "Worldmaking in a Sinophone Context: Conceptions, Processes and Practices"

March 31 to April 1, Dominican Monastery in Frankfurt (Main)

News from Jan 12, 2023

Times of global crises, worldwide transformation processes and political power shifts necessitate a closer look on the notions of “world,” “worlding,” and “world-making” across disciplines, to investigate diverse forms of past and emerging entanglements across geographic, sociopolitical, literary, and environmental spheres. The Joint Center for Advanced Studies "Worldmaking from a Global Perspective: A Dialogue with China" leaves the eurocentric context and engages with "social worlds" (Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg), "world orders" (Universität Göttingen), "life-worlds" (Universität Heidelberg) and translingual histories of the concept of “world” (Freie Universität Berlin). This workshop aims to provide a platform for the researchers and fellows of the “Worldmaking” project, as well as interested colleagues in the humanities and social sciences. Participants would investigate similarities and differences of the respective "world" concepts, debate methodological challenges, and explore empirical findings into practices of worldmaking in a Sinophone context.

The workshop will be structured as follows:

March 31 (afternoon) Keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Darius Zifonun (Marburg University) , on the concept of social worlds, title TBA
April 01 (full day)

Panel 1 Theories and Concepts of Worldmaking

Format: participants’ group work

Panel 2 Empirical Insights and Challenges of Worldmaking

Format: presentation & discussion

Please send your declaration of interest to participate and/or the title of your presentation with a short description to ryanne.flock@uni-wuerzburg.de by February 20. The workshop is open to published papers or works in progress, to be discussed in a collegial circle to further develop one's research.


The workshop will be held in-person at the Conference Centre Dominican Monastery in Frankfurt (Main), with an option for digital participation. For project members, there is a limited number of rooms available in the adjacent Hotel Philipp-Jakob-Spenerhaus (booking keyword “Workshop Universität Würzburg”). Please book early to secure a reservation.

Contact for questions:

Ryanne Flock, Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg, ryanne.flock[at]uni-wuerzburg.de

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