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Dr. Rolf Scheuermann

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Affiliated Fellow in the project "Epochal Lifeworlds: Narratives of Crisis and Change“ (March 2025 - December 2025)

Short Biography

Rolf Scheuermann holds a diploma in Buddhist Studies from the Karmapa International Buddhist Institute, New Delhi (2004), and a Magister (2010) as well as a doctorate (2016) in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies from the University of Vienna. His doctoral research explored the Four Dharmas of Gampopa, an influential 10th-century Tibetan Buddhist key text. His recent research focuses particularly on eco-Buddhist movements and Buddhist responses to the climate crisis, (Tibetan) Buddhist strategies for coping with the future, translation, and cultural exchange processes. He served as research coordinator of the Käte Hamburger Centres of Erlangen and Heidelberg and as a Locum Professor for Tibetan Studies (Professurvertretung) at the Universities of Leipzig and Munich.


Buddhism in a Changing World: Reimagining the Future in the Context of the Climate Crisis

The effects of the climate crisis are unevenly distributed and already carry severe consequences for India and other traditionally Buddhist countries. With increased heat waves, droughts, floods, and other natural catastrophes, climate change can no longer be neglected, not even in the ‘Global North’. This rapidly changing world and the related environmental emergency challenge the established religious narratives and provoke innovative approaches that respond to the transformation of life worlds. This project examines Buddhist responses from two complementary perspectives: on the one hand, the study explores the dynamic field of contemporary eco-Buddhist movements and activist groups such as XR Buddhists and the shift in their interpretation of Buddhist soteriology from an emphasis on liberation from the world toward stewardship in the form of responsible care for the world. On the other hand, it investigates traditional Buddhist approaches to the environmental crisis, such as resolute aspirations (praṇidhāna), a religious practice grounded in the understanding that adepts can shape or even create utopian environments through the power of their merit combined with continuous aspirations. In this way, the study discusses how Buddhist narratives and techniques shape the future, situating Buddhist environmentalism within broader discussions on the planetary future, interconnectedness, resilience, and hope.

Additional Project

Kultursensibler Umgang mit religiösen Riten nach einem terroristischen oder extremistischen Anschlag mit Todesopfern

The project “Culturally Sensitive Handling of Religious Rites After a Terrorist or Extremist Attack with Fatalities (Kultursensibler Umgang mit religiösen Riten nach einem terroristischen oder extremistischen Anschlag mit Todesopfern)“ examines how different religious and cultural traditions approach death and commemoration, particularly in the aftermath of violent attacks. In many Western societies, including Germany, historically dominant Christian funeral practices are declining while religious diversity is increasing due to various social and migratory factors. This has created complex situations where victims and their bereaved families may adhere to different faiths, making a culturally sensitive approach to death rituals essential. The emotional impact of loss is particularly severe after terrorist or extremist attacks, as survivors also experience powerlessness, fear, and public scrutiny. In such cases, failing to acknowledge religious rites can exacerbate the distress of grieving families. Due to the complex situations, German authorities and support organizations may face challenges in handling such situations in a culturally sensitive and appropriate manner. The project is carried out in cooperation with Johannes Eurich (Institute for the Study of Christian Social Services) and aims to develop practical guidelines for institutions involved in victim assistance, ensuring respectful and knowledgeable engagement with diverse religious traditions (including Chinese and Tibetan perspectives). It compiles the outcomes of a workshop with experts into a German language resource to help professionals navigate religious death rituals and commemoration sensitively in times of crisis.